When choosing a medical school, there are many factors to consider. However, for some students, the most crucial factor is cost. In India, medical schools are notoriously expensive, often costing tens of lakhs of rupees per year. As a result, many Indian students study abroad to save money.

One of the most significant advantages of studying abroad is the opportunity to experience a new culture and way of life. Students who choose to study in India will also be able to take advantage of the many opportunities the country offers. In addition, MBBS programs in India are typically shorter than those provided in other countries, saving students time and money. 

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider before studying in India. One of the most significant disadvantages is the cost of living in India, which is often remarkably high. Additionally, Indian students may find it difficult to obtain visa approvals from certain countries. Finally, the quality of education in India may not be as high as in other countries. Therefore, students must weigh all of these factors before deciding whether or not to study MBBS abroad or in India.

Why do students choose to study abroad?

There are many reasons why studying MBBS abroad is better than looking in India. One of the main reasons is that you have a much better chance of getting into an excellent medical school if you are studying abroad. The competition for spots in Indian medical schools is exceptionally fierce, and many qualified students do not get in. 

In addition, the quality of education at foreign medical schools is often superior to that of Indian medical schools. Another reason to study MBBS abroad is that it can be a great way to see the world. Unfortunately, many students who study MBBS in India never leave the country, and as a result, they miss out on an opportunity to experience new cultures and lifestyles. 

Finally, studying MBBS abroad can help you develop language skills that will be valuable in your future career. Medical school is demanding, and communicating effectively with patients and colleagues is essential. By studying MBBS abroad, you will be able to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in this field. You must read some specific comparisons to make an informed decision. 


One key factor to consider when deciding whether to study MBBS abroad or in India is cost. For example, tuition fees for medical schools in India are typically much lower than those for schools in developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Also, India’s living costs are higher than in most European countries. 

As a result, studying MBBS in European countries can be much more affordable than in western countries or India. Also, it is essential to note that the quality of medical education in India may not be on par with that of European countries. In addition, the job market for medical graduates in India can be pretty competitive. As a result, students who wish to study MBBS abroad should carefully consider all the factors involved before deciding.


For many students, studying medicine abroad is the preferred choice. However, there are several factors to consider before making a decision. One crucial factor is the infrastructure provided by the college.

In general, colleges abroad have better infrastructure than those in India. This includes well-equipped laboratories, modernized classrooms, and access to the latest technology. Indian colleges often lack these facilities. In addition, foreign colleges typically have a higher staff-to-student ratio, which means that students receive more individual attention. As a result, students who study abroad often have a better overall educational experience.

Of course, studying medicine overseas comes with its own set of challenges. Nevertheless, for many students, the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the challenges. With better infrastructure and individualised attention, they can receive a superior education that prepares them for successful careers in medicine.


A key difference is in terms of teaching methods. Indian medical schools generally follow a more traditional lecture-based approach to teaching. In contrast, foreign medical schools often use a more hands-on approach, with small group discussions and practical work playing a more significant role in the curriculum. This can be beneficial for students who learn better through active participation. However, it can also mean that international students may not get as much one-on-one time with their professors as they would at an Indian medical school.

Exposure to the latest technology and medical practices

Another critical factor is the level of exposure to the latest technology and medical practices. Students who choose to study MBBS abroad will likely have greater exposure to cutting-edge technology and methods than those who stay in India for their studies. This is because medical schools in developed countries tend to be better funded and have more resources at their disposal. 

In addition, they are often at the forefront of medical research and are quick to adopt new technologies and practices. As a result, students studying MBBS abroad can expect a more well-rounded education that prepares them for success in their future careers.


Choosing the right college for MBBS is a crucial decision. After all, it will be the institution where you will receive your medical education and training. While there are many excellent colleges in India, there are also many reasons students may choose to study abroad. One of the main reasons is that colleges abroad tend to have better resources and facilities. 

They also often offer a more diverse range of courses, which can help students to gain a more well-rounded education. Additionally, studying abroad can allow students to experience different cultures and lifestyles, which can be beneficial both personally and professionally. Ultimately, whether or not to look overseas for MBBS should be based on each student’s needs and preferences. However, those who choose to study abroad will likely find that they benefit from an excellent education and a unique cultural experience.